Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Curta Calculators

Continental Holiday.  The American Travel Guide to Europe.  
New York, 1961.
I'd love to own one of these neat devices, invented in 1948.  See the Wikipedia entry.  "Small, Accurate, Sturdy.  A typical Swiss product."  Just like the Swiss people themselves!


  1. The Curta Calculator was a mainstay on the car rallying front in the 1950s and early 60s. Reliable, robust and accurate. Combined with a Halda TripMaster front wheel odometer, a rally navigator felt infallible.

    Bob the Citroen Guy

  2. In the 70's, our high school math teacher somehow procured a dozen of these to familiarize our class with their use. What we learned is that they were so horrendously expensive that his nerves gave out, and they were retrieved long before we'd mastered their use.
    If you like them, you will love Charles Babbage's Difference Engine !
