Friday, March 22, 2013

Vanished Tool Makers: Judd clamps

Found this clamp last week.

I'd never heard of this company before.  Did a quick web search, and found another example of their products:
The clamps are clearly substantially made. I can find nothing else online about the company.  I would guess an American firm, now vanished into the dark abyss of industrial history.


  1. That's my name, so obviously I had to start collecting them. I've got one made of steel that's rated for 500 lbs I think, no paint. The standing Judd cast kind are my favorites. Just got my first Judd speed clamp today. Love it!

  2. Thanks for the note! Good enough reason to start collecting! Have you found out any history on the company? If you have items we don't have pictures of, could we post them to the blog? Thanks!

  3. Found the same 2” C clamp in my dad’s tool box - it had been welded back together and only JU and 2” were visible
