Thursday, August 8, 2013

F.A. Smith Manufacturing Company "Arctic Aire" fan

According to DT Vintage Fans, The F.A. Smith Mfg. Company was founded in Rochester, New York in 1911, originally making accessories for what was to become the automobile.  When the car companies began manufacturing such items themselves, the company turned to the production of fans beginning in 1933, eventually dominating this market.  Brands included Arctic-Aire, Royal Rochester, Spartan, Viking and King Kool.  In 1948, they changed their name to FASCO and in 1955 moved production to Fayetteville, North Carolina.  They continue today as the world's largest manufacturer of fractional horsepower-driven blowers. Tecumseh absorbed them in 2003.


  1. The Duke, wonder if you would sell this cool little fan? mine looks just like it except round blades and no tag.

  2. I have a Arctic Aire fan for sale
