Saturday, December 21, 2013

Vanished Tool Makers: G.W. Griffin, Franklin, New Hampshire

In 1878, George W. Griffin of Franklin, New Hampshire was issued a U.S. patent for a novel scroll saw blade, consisting a wire with burs lifted all around its circumference.

Two years later he began to produce saws, partnering with P.C. Hancock.  (Like many Yankees of the day, Griffin was a mechanical tinkerer, patenting one of the first punch needles in 1881 when punch needle rug hooking was all the rage.)  Griffin's firm specialized in patent scroll and hacksaws and fine jeweller's saws.  The company went on to add bandsaw blades to its offerings.  In 1954, they were registered with the trademark shown below.

The trademark expired in 1996.  The company appears to have expired earlier.

Elizabeth C. Jewell.  Franklin.  Arcadia Publishing, 2008.
Google Streetview of the factory today.  It is situated in Odelle Park.

Update October 2018. Reader "Dean" sends in this image of a pack of saw blades of unknown vintage, looking considerably older than the first image in the post. Thanks!

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