Wednesday, June 11, 2014

We used to make things in this country. #154: Shoe Machine Parts Limited, Toronto, Ontario

This company specialized in rheostats and electric motors for sewing machines.  Talk about your niche market!


  1. Our physics department has apparatus (rotating coil magnetometer) which has small electric motors with almost the same specification tag as shown in the rheostat post. If you want a photo, reply here, I believe an email from this blog facility will reach me.

  2. Yes please! Love to see more.


  3. Hello Mister G, I received your comment/reply. Should I email photos to :-)

  4. Hello Mister G
    My sewing machine rheostat is not working. I think the connector between foot paddle and the machine is not working. At back of the connector written 'Shoe Machine Parts Ltd, Toronto'. Can you help me, where I can get it.

  5. Hello, I have a swing maching it's rheostat is not working. Back of the rheostat written 'Shoe Machine Parts Ltd. Toronto. But I do not see anywhere address of this company. Could anyone help me where I can get rheostat of my swing maching. Thank you!
