Tuesday, October 21, 2014

We used to make things in this country. #167: James Warnock & Company, Galt, Ontario

Below, from a Kijiji ad:

According to the seller, the chisel at top is a 1 1/16" Warnock & Co. Galt corner chisel. The chisel below a 2" J. Warnock & Co. (Galt) framing chisel. Obviously well used, if not well taken care of.

Below, two pics of a drawknife contributed by a visitor who offered them in a comment below:

According to Tom Lamond's article on the company on YesteryearstoolsJames Warnock's family emigrated to Canada from Scotland when he was a teenager.  In 1857, he and his younger brother Adam established Warnock & Company in Galt, Ontario, sometimes (with more than a little hubris) known as the "Manchester of Canada."  In 1870, they took control of the Galt Axe Factory, under the overall auspices of James Warnock & Company.  In 1909, the Galt Axe Factory was sold to Alan Hills.

Below, a broadaxe from the company.

thanks, Inno!


  1. I recently picked up a draw knife from an old farm and it is a J. Warnock & Co. Just needs to be rehandled but is in really great shape. I have photos if you are interested in seeing it.

    Also the following are great resources for identifying makers, particularly early Canadian ones.




    1. I'd love some photos! Email me and I'll add them to the post! And thanks for the links!

  2. I found a small Warnock asymmetrical broadaxe today with the correct skewed handle. The head is very nice but the (original?) handle is badly cracked.

    I have a photo but can't seem to post it attached to this comment.
