Thursday, February 26, 2015

Triumph 277 General Arrangement Blueprint

2.77 hp, 277 cc.


  1. Yummy...!
    Flat-tanker porn.
    Not Velo porn but it'll do while you find some!

  2. Interesting that the horsepower and volume figures are the same, albeit with a different placement of the decimal point. Do you think this might be part of a secret code? The Illuminati want to know.

  3. Note that:

    2 + 7 = 9.

    2 = 1 + 1.

    Hence, 9/11.


    7 - 1 = 6

    7 - 1 = 6

    And there was probably a 6mm something-or-other in the bike somewhere.

    Hence, 666.

    Could it be more obvious?

  4. Interesting observations, hard to argue. Frightening...
    I believe the price was the equivalent of $277. Hmmmm?

    Seriously, the progress. At that time they advertised 1 hp per 100cc, by the sixties it was 10 times that.
