Wednesday, June 17, 2015

McCaskey Account Register System

I picked up this little spring-loaded doo-dad at a yard sale earlier this spring.  

Perry A. McCaskey was a grocer who became the inventor of the "one writing" cash register, and founded the McCaskey Register Company in Alliance, Ohio in 1903.  The factory was originally a blacksmith shop.  He left his business in 1908 to pursue other goals, but the company continued to prosper and offices were opened in Canton, Ohio and in Canada in 1908, England in 1920, and a plant in Boston to print the various forms needed for the McCaskey Accounting System.In 1912 the company produced the first electric powered register and in 1914 the McCaskey Safe Register, which was fire proof.  Various other cash registers were produced, and at one time they furnished all of the cash registers used by the Ohio state liquor stores.  After World War II, the company merged with Business Systems Inc. and then, in 1953, the company was bought by the Victor Adding Machine Company.  Shortly thereafter, the McCaskey name disappeared.

For more information on how the system works, visit Kirby's (which needs to address its broken image link problems.)

As for my little piece of history, I glued some magnets on the back and stuck it on the fridge to hold notes.

1 comment:

  1. Do you by chance know anyone who sells parts?
    Thanks Bill
