Friday, September 18, 2015

Earl Selkirk

I don't know who Earl Selkirk is (or was) but he sure has a nice entrance to his retail store on Dundas St. west in Toronto.  Currently an art gallery.


  1. Hi, Earl Selkirk played for the Toronto Argos in the 30s and 40s and then coached and managed the team up to 1950. I believe he may have run for office, not sure which post, in Toronto. Also, I recently found out he DID own a men's clothing store in Toronto. The Selkirk family was of the Junction area in Toronto, so it does make sense that he would open his store close to home. I have not looked into the past owners of this particular space; however, I am assuming this was his store. - Carly (

    1. Thanks for your reply! and the information of course. The entrance to the store is certainly of that period in time. I'm glad you've solved another little mystery...
