Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Ford 5000 Tractor

In recognition of this, the blog's 5000th post!

The Ford 5000 is a blue and white tractor that was produced from 1964 to 1979 by Ford for the European market. In North America, a modified version was sold as the Ford Major.

The image above is taken from the Twenty Wheels Commercial Vehicle Museum, a very cool virtual museum.


  1. Congrats on the 5000th post. That is a ton of effort put forth and knowledge spread. Keep up the great work.


  2. Good evening. I am new at this blog. I'm in Honduras and recently someone pay me a debt with an old ford tractor that I beleive is a 5000. I need to repair the hydraulic and PTO systems but in order to buy the right parts i need to know the correct model. I hope that I could find someone in this site/ blog that can guide me in the right direction. Thank you very much and hope I can hear your comments soon.

  3. Hi thanks for the note. If you could send me a couple of pictures, I'm sure we can figure out just what it is. Please send to gerald@vanwyngaarden.ca Thanks!
