Thursday, October 22, 2015

Stoney Creek Bridge

In order to extend the railway from Revelstoke to Golden the Canadian Pacific built a 650 foot long wooden truss bridge across Stoney Creek in 1885. At the time it was called the tallest railroad bridge in the world, the center tower standing 292 feet tall. It was replaced in 1893 by a steel truss arch bridge designed by the Hamilton Bridge company.
Omer Lavallee Van Horne's Road Railfare 1974
Below, from the Hamilton Bridge catalog of 1909, constructing the replacement truss.


  1. Would it be possible to get a better scan of the Stoney Creek Bridge Drawing from your post from Thursday, October 22, 2015?

  2. I've found it. I can send you a scan if you send your email address to me at
