Sunday, February 7, 2016

British Buttner Pipe Company

Above, a weird little tool I found recently.  It's only a couple of inches long.  As you push the top section downward, the arms at the side extend outwards at the top, forming a more obtuse angle.

One of a huge number of now defunct British smoking pipe makers, the British Buttner Pipe Company, Ltd. was located in Glasgow, Scotland. One of their products was  a Bakelite pipe equipped with a removable porcelain insert which acted as a filter:

1947:  Grace's Guide

In 1933, the company published a promotional pamphlet, From Annoyance - to Enjoyment: With the British Buttner Pipe : Containing the Original Buttner Ceramic Porous Filter.

Among their other distinctions, they made plastic ashtrays for the Queen Mary.

The device that I have is a self-adjusting pipe reamer for cleaning the pipe bowl.  For a recent review, visit Hobo Pipes.


  1. Is that British pipe cleaner worth any money I have the old antique black one

