Sunday, January 15, 2017

Eaton's Viking tool boxes, 1975

Eaton's Fall & Winter Catalogue, 1975

The Eaton's chain of department stores in Canada used the Viking trademark on many of their tools and other merchandise.  I've no idea who made the tool boxes for them.  Maybe Beach?  Anyway, Eaton's went belly up in 1999, almost 20 years ago, and the brand never got a proper Viking funeral.

For a PDF catalogue page featuring a wider variety of Viking tools, visit Collections Canada.


  1. 'Puts me in mind of their TecoMaster brand of tools. I still have a torque wrench of theirs that I bought as a teenager.

    As you say, the Viking brand also went on other merchandise -- TV sets and vacuum cleaners and the like. I seem to recall a joke about a '19 inch Viking', but I'll spare you a telling of it.

  2. I have a big Viking deepfreeze that has been operating constantly since the day my dad bought it in 1964 - it has never broken down or had any service work done to it in all these years.

    I think that the Viking tool boxes were very likely made by Beach. I have a Beach tool box of the exact same dimensions and with a similar lift out tray and latch as the #25 Viking tool box shown in the above catalogue page.

  3. Viking and TecoMaster (Teco = Timothy Eaton COmpany) went on a lot of Eaton's tools and related products. You're right though, Beach made a lot of the toolboxes and made them for others - Mastercraft (Canadian Tire), Craftsman (Sears) and some other smaller ones.

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