Wednesday, April 12, 2017

USS Flasher 249 plan view

After a storied war record, she was scrapped in 1963.   Her conning tower was removed and installed in Groton, Connecticut where it is the centerpiece of the World War II memorial that honors the 52 U.S. submarines and their valiant crews lost during the war.  Below, from Google Streetview:


  1. It's a shame they couldn't save more than her conning tower-apparently there was a plan to use the whole boat as a memorial/museum . . . I'm guessing the cost was too much. If you're not aware of it, her last commander George W. Grider wrote (with help) an excellent memoir called "War Fish" published in 1958.

  2. That's cool. My grandfather was a machinist's mate on this sub! I'm going to look for this memoir "War Fish".
