Sunday, December 9, 2018

C97 Stratofreighter

On our visit to the Reading Pa, airport I saw a familiar B29-like tail in the distance and once closer, was surprised to see it belonged to something even rarer, a C97, a freighter developed from the Superfortress.
 This is the only airworthy example- "The Angel of Deliverance" belonging to the Berlin Airlift Historical Foundation. 


  1. Rewind to 1970, Travis AFB Space A to Hickham AFB. Pa a USAF Col, my Ma almost had a coronary when she saw we were going on a 97. I was beyond ecstatic! Now I know why they called it 'Ol Shakey'...


  2. This 'Ol Shakey' was equipped with web sling troop seats, zero comforts and I think two jeeps lashed down in the cargo hold. She must have read my Pa the riot act because on our return trip we were escorted to a Continental 707 by staff car and when we entered the plane it was empty and the Captain said to my Mother "Your choice of seats Ma'am." I had more fun on the 97!

