Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Tapered yard stick

 Here's an interesting promotional yardstick from New York Air Brake company. Just a standard 36 inch ruler with an unusual square section, but more unusually, it tapers from 3/4 inch at one end to 1/2" at the other. Whether there is a reason for this or its just a gimmick I do not know but a quick Google search does find others like it with different company names.


  1. All I could find, maybe they doubled as a cheap walking stick. Another advertising mick I suppose.

    "Vintage Wood Square Yardstick that is tapered, sometimes referred to as a walking stick."

  2. I am pretty sure this is a fuel level measuring stick. They are still sold today and look exactly the same. Would make sense to have truck advertising on it.

  3. Otherwise known as a Bagby Gage
