Saturday, June 8, 2019

Heavy duty casters

I rescued these heavy cast iron casters from a piano that was being scrapped. I have no use for them... but they're too good to throw out...


  1. They wouldn't fall apart easily like current casters!

  2. Those really are awesome. I recently built a heavy 4' x 4' 'workbench' which consisted of two large 4'wide x 2'deep x 3' tall five drawer wooden cabinets I rescued from a hospital remodel. I attached them back to back using steel plates and bolts and attached a bottom frame made from 4"x4"'s on the bottom, then put a sheet of plywood and hardboard on the top and then I put the heaviest duty casters I could find so I could roll this behemoth around in my shop. I went to the Chinese military surplus store...I mean Harbor Fright, and all I could get was plastic and pressed steel. They'll work, for about 5 years. lol. Your's look American made from the late 40's? They'll last 100 years.

  3. They don't roll all that well. But under a piano, they probably only roll 50 feet or less in their life. No idea how old the piano is and there isn't a name on them.
    They would go well under a workbench such as yours. One that is not moved a lot but does have to be portable.
