Friday, August 23, 2019

Hack saw frame

The quality of modern hacksaws is pretty bad, the maker of this frame must have agreed. Substantially constructed from 3/8" pipe and a T fitting, it looks good enough to last several lifetimes. Too bad the handle (held on with a 1/4" screw) is missing, I wonder what his solution was.


  1. Wow, I love this one. I have an old Sterret and a Millers Falls vintage hacksaws, and actually a few others that I've picked up from my father and grandfathers and estate sales over my 50 years of collecting tools - but this one takes the cake! Nice curve! Brilliant simplicity! Truly this one may cross the line into 'art'. Thanks for the photo!

  2. I thought so! I'm trying to imagine a handle he may have made for it- anything from a bicycle handle grip to a wooden pistol grip. I wish I could meet the guy, whoever he is.

  3. Me too. Many old ones have wooden handles that go straight out, some would angle down on a hinged bolt. You'd want something substantial, and preferably one that pointed down at about 70 degrees I'd think (or 7 o'clock if you looked at it from the side). Maybe part of an old Indian motorcycle handlebar.
