Monday, April 27, 2020

Monday Mystery II, Motorcycle cutaway

 Here's another cutaway model of an obscure motorcycle. It'a two stroke single of about 250cc but with longitudinal crankshaft, hand shift and shaft drive in a rectangular steel tube frame . My first guess might have been a Ner-a-car but we think it is of German manufacture. Once again, guesses?

thanks again, Rolf


  1. Zundapp 2 stroke maybe kk200. The chain drive transmission used by Zundapp gives it away. You should do a post on the unusual use of the fully chain drive tranny in Zundapps.. Maybe you already have? Very nice!

  2. Amazingly similar concept to GSD motorcycles.

  3. Thanks, all; for the comments, Zundapp K350 it bis. Pzak, I saw that chain type transmission in another bike, a Viktoria- must be a German thing!
    The GSD is very ineteresting, never heard of that one before.
