Sunday, June 21, 2020

Harley Davidson Rapido

Here's another ad like the MG Midget school of advertising post of a few months back, how many disparate elements can we jam into one photo in the hopes of attacting every possible buyer. Salt flats, airplane, orange jumpsuit, green pantsuit, a racer about to T-bone a touring Sportster. Anything else? Lots of fun!


  1. Well the Cessna made it to 1983 until ending its useful life, I wonder where all those Harley's are today or the blonde?

  2. Grandma, you mean? She ran off with the cowboy.)

  3. So it cost about the same in equivalent US dollars as a 2020 Honda Metropolitan scooter. Glancing at the specs, I'd say the Harley was a better deal. Although the Honda might be more reliable, and it does feature a "convenience hook"... "a super easy way to hang a tote, grocery bag, or purse strap."

  4. The Rapido is much better looking.

  5. The top GM vehicle looks just like my 1939 Chev. Note the headlight blackout curtains.


  6. today I saw something that was truly troubling. there was this guy that looked like he belong on a Harley Electra glide or a Honda goldwing. he looked like he should be cruising down the highway at 85 to a hundred miles an hour. he had to look, he had the build he had the tan my God I think he even had the hair. but guess where this guy was? he was standing at a busy intersection with a little sign that said food or money please anything helps. he had a simple backpack. it look like he really was out on the road. leaning up against the street sign at the corner of the intersection was the backpack. and as he walked along I saw someone hold a folded bill of money out their car window. and the guy walked over in the middle of traffic and took the money and said thank you. he didn't say God bless you which is beginning to become so passe you don't even want to hear it. and he walked back over to the curb. and started looking at it at each and every car for more money. now i sort of hope that that Harley is hiding around the corner somewhere and he's basically going to get back on the road. but I got the disturbing impression that there was no Harley. that this guy was basically begging for money. what has happened to us?

