Thursday, June 18, 2020

Honda CB350

I think this bike was the beginning of the modern motorcycle era, styling was spot on, bright paint, chrome and polished alloy- and big enough to take across the country or wherever you wanted. And Honda sold more than a quarter million of them in a five year production run. 


  1. I don't know - I rode the much better Yamaha RD350 from Austin Tx to Little Rock Arkansas back in about 1979 - stayed off the freeway which was terrifying on the little thing - just on the backroads. It was a cool trip but took almost a freaking day instead of a 7 or 8 hour drive. Still - I loved that 350. Until I got a Yamaha 750. But that 350 is the bike I wished I still had.

  2. Agreed, I'm a 2 stroke guy and the RD350 was one of the all time great motorcycles. I need one! But for mainstream no-fuss motorcycles, the CB350 was a milestone.

  3. my oldr brother had a CB350, in about 79 or 80,
    we lived in rural appalachia, and it was fun on the mountain roads,
    my first bike was a Honda Trail 90

  4. My buddy bought a brand new one in purple in 1973. 70 mph at 7000 rpm.
