Sunday, July 5, 2020

Haying season

Haying season again, tractor is fine and so is the shabby Oliver rake of indeterminate age. I like the idea of the 20 year old son working on a 68 year old tractor...

However, the ancient automotive radial tire on the baler was coming apart by the minute. Bets were taken but it is still functional at the end of day.  It's a Goodrich Firehawk in a strange size I've never seen, 27x6.5x14. 


  1. Those are better tires than I have on my car!

  2. Heck, better tires on that Oliver than on my Ridegline!

  3. Yes, the tires and wheels sure aren't original. But they are great compared to the baler! see updated post.

  4. Yea I think you got your money out of those baler tires! Time for some new rubber Mister G!
