Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Military surplus level

This little brass level, still bearing some of its olive drab paint, reportedly might have left the Rock Island Arsenal in a young carpenter's lunch box many decades ago. 

Before its career change, we think it might have been part of a gun mount or possibly a gunsight.  I don't have much doubt that someone will identify it by the stamped numbers. 

Thanks, Gary


  1. https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/military-level-ww1-beckmann-toledo-1897713528

  2. probably a Auto-lite 1918. the glass cuts are very similar


  3. Thanks! We thought artillery, and I found the auction house link but they know less than us!
    The Autolite reference seems likely, they do look similar. This one dates to WW2, so it's likely the design dates to 1918, and they kept making them, serial numbering them as they went?
