Thursday, February 25, 2021

The Sports Car Pocketbook

This little (4x6") book published in 1961, is a nice little window into the history of sports cars up till that point. Even the American Big Three gets a polite mention... and the AC cars entry mentions the Ace- pre Cobra!

For Axel, see comments...


  1. "a special waveband will broadcast information vital to their safety."
    Ah yes, the Cold War years. I've often wondered why the Dept of Defense spends money to armor vehicles since a standard grade school desk is sufficient protection when used to "Duck And Cover" in event of a nuclear attack.

  2. I'll bet there's a TR4 Triumph in there. The one that I ALMOST purchased in 1962. The "almost" is one of my strongest regret.

  3. Axel: Too early, out of the four page Triumph section, I've added the TR3 section.

  4. Joe, I glossed over that Cold War reference... Odd a sports car book would make that a feature.
