Saturday, July 24, 2021

Another job you probably don't want to do, waist gunners on a Halifax bomber



  1. Thankfully somebody did it! Thanks men for saving us!

  2. my "Granny" her husband Ike was a gunner. he gave me a 50 cal round that he brought back. Ike happened to look exactly same as Shemp from the Three Stooges. they had a small gas station country store out in the county from the 1960's till he up and died in the early 80's. they lived right next to the store and alway grew a large garden and flowers. visiting as a small boy in the early 70's we loved being there.

  3. I have difficulty imagining how the guys that went through the war experience could just come home and pick up "normal" existence. Of course we learn that many did not and cannot.

  4. At altitude,at night,loading ammo drums in a pitching,windy aircraft.
    Nerves of steel.Brave boys.
