Monday, August 9, 2021

Plymouth Plainsman


This was one of the Chrysler Virgil Exner-designed and Ghia-built concept cars of the mid fifties, apparently intended to go up against the Chevy Nomad. It was never put in production, and probably a good thing, I find it to be ungainly and awkward in appearance, though it was apparently a hit on the 1956 show circuit.  More at Autoweek.


  1. "Ungainly and awkward" Mr. G? You are too kind:)

  2. It's not just an eyesore, but an aggressive proactive one that reaches out with its claws and drags your bleeding eyeballs over every hideous bulge and crease. I.O.W., the quintessential Chrysler family automobile of the modern era.

  3. The rear section of the roof appears almost as afterthought. Did Ex have visions of a Chrysler Ranchera-Camino?

  4. I hate to point the finger, but it's Virgil, man! I'm not on Mr.Exner's aesthetics page at all. 1961 Valiant.

  5. The roof certainly looks tacked on afterwards... Compared to the Nomad, nope, just nope.

  6. Thinking on it more, I'll bet the roof is tacked on. Quite a few 40's-50's show/concept cars had a tiny cabin stuck between two huge acreages of hood and deck. This may have started life as a "personal car" idea.

  7. Joe: So, there could've been, like a little office or apartment back there that could be used or sublet by the owner? Cool.

    Mr G: Tacked on and pointing aft!
