Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Kenny Roberts flat track frame


Cycle Magazine 1976

Thanks, James...

Kenny Roberts parlays his Flat track victories into commercial products. According to The Dan Rouit Museum gallery page Kenny Roberts, Sparky Edmonston and Jerry Griffith developed the frames.
With a lot of consideration for rigidity, this must have been a very heavy frame, compare to the Harley Davidson XR750 frame of the time- that one seemed to work well with a lot more power. I haven't seen many pictures showing KR on that bike so I wonder how successful it was.


  1. the thickness of the black stripe and the smaller scale YAMAHA tank decal as seen in the bottom image,
    looks extra great to me.

  2. If you talk to Jerry he'll tell you that he did all the work on that, while those other two knuckleheads stood around and drank beer.

  3. Can we ask him why he put in all those extra tubes?

  4. About the slanted speedblock striping, I agree that is a nice variation on the Molly Yamaha stripe.

  5. Knowing Jerry probably because it worked.
    I'm sure he still has the jigs if you want one made.

  6. Hey there guys I've seen and talked to Mr frame 001 I have 002 and I am building it

    1. I'm in idaho and I have frame 002
