Sunday, October 17, 2021

Vercingétorix takes a ride

The Camera Never Lies,  Webb and Bower, 1982

The statue of Vercingétorix by Bartholdi, recently completed at the Jaboeuf foundry in Paris, sets off in 1901 for its destination at Clermont- Ferrand. The statue was too large to be shipped by train, so a truck was specially constructed by De Dion Bouton for the job, it was fitted with a 35 hp engine and was capable of a speed of 6-7 mph. The 260 mile journey was expected to take five or six days. 

More here



  1. Seems to be an adaptation of a Paris steam-bus.

  2. "The exceptional talent of the sculptor, who was also the creator of the Statue of Liberty in New York, can be seen in the extraordinary vitality of the horse and rider."

  3. Ha, I was going mention that he was the Statue of Liberty sculptor, but the picture was striking enough by itself. My source did refer to it as a bus, though it’s hard to tell that it was! Ps who is the woman smoking the pipe, I wonder.

  4. I believe, or wish to believe, that is the artist Bartholdi on the far left and his wife Jeanne-Emilie.

  5. Street urchins to the right, great picture...
