Monday, May 23, 2022

Short Seamew

Probably one of the more ungainly-looking aircraft ever built, with bad name, it was designed to meet the Royal Navy's spec M.123D for antisubmarine role. The plane was design and built in 1952-53 for use off small carriers and from rough, improvised landing fields. It was intended as a slow loitering type of device, for patrolling over convoys while providing good visibility for both crewmembers. This ad was attempting to sell to Canada in 1954.

 It was soon seen to be an obsolete concept, the Royal Navy cancelled its order, and the 24 aircraft already built were scrapped over a period of years.  Not great loss, it apparently was a poor-handling plane with "vicious tendencies". 


  1. It has been described as a "camel amongst race-horses" Pretty much says it all.

  2. And it killed their test pilot...
