Thursday, June 9, 2022

Super T-6 Texan (or Harvard) upgrade


This 1957 project was a modernizing of the famous military trainer by the Erle Bacon Corp. It featured a modernized engine, tricycle landing gear (apparently from a T-33 Shooting Star), a 4 foot shorter wingspan and- with the removal of the stock fuel tanks to accommodate the landing gear- 50 gallon wing tanks. Flying characteristics were considered to be ok, but the target audience, foreign governments, didn't show much interest. Only one was made, it remained with the company till 1971. According to Wikipedia it was stored at Whiteman Air Park as late as 2013, where- left to the elements- it had deteriorated past flying condition. Below, the aircraft about 1970, painted for an unknown movie role to resemble something communist.  More here.


  1. I saw that aircraft once, some airport in the LA area but I can't remember which one! Looked abandoned at the time. Doesn't make much sense given the North American T-28 was being built but I guess they figured a lot of conversions to be done, guess not.

  2. Google map still shows this old bird sitting on the ramp at the Whiteman Airport in Pacoima CA!
