Friday, July 29, 2022

Taco Autotrac

In the 1941 Taco farm year book, all sorts of products and equipment were being offered by the Tudhope Anderson Company but judging by the number of times a full page was devoted to the Autotrac, this is what they wanted to sell you the most. By 1941 there were 20 or so years-worth of obsolete cars around and they made good candidates for a cheap farm tractor conversion.



  1. I have idle questions. [1] Were Taco conversions and Otaco plows (a few posts ago) products of the same mfgr, and [2] sold thru the same 1941 yearbook/catalog? [3] Did my imagination invent the notion I have that the conversion could be accomplished with hand tools? [4] Would the average farmer of 1941 have had welding torches, or even a stick welder? And [5] Do any Progress Is Fine readers (or the author) know what was involved in putting the conversion together?

    The shorter-coupled Tacos pictured look like flipping over backwards would be well within their capabilities, and maybe their favorite thing to do. I spose there were always front-end weights though.

    Thanks as always for the Show & Tell. My uncle Mac plowed, etc., with a war-surplus Jeep w/o getting flipped over on and crushed, as far as I could tell.

  2. I'm staying with my No. 51 walking plow

  3. I tried the Number Fifty-Two
    And found it simply wouldn't do
    I find I'm having much more fun
    Cutting ruts with Fifty-One
