Monday, September 12, 2022

Two for a penny

 Not keen on the Bentwood logo, but great graphics...


  1. Here is his story:

    I'm old enough to remember eating ice cream with wooden spoons, but they weren't "bent wood" they were just flat slabs, more like a paddle than a spoon.

  2. my mother would threaten my little mini pinscher with a long wooden spoon, if she didn't obey. when mom asked her if she was 'gonna have to git the spoon' she would instantly obey. she was never once given a whoopin' with that wooden spoon but she knew mom was feed up. if she wouldn't come in after pooping mom might come out holding that spoon and little Maggie would beat feet inside. little Maggie never obeyed me.

  3. Gah! Only on my third rereading did I see that you'd written "pinscher," not "sister"!

    And I'm supposed to be proofreading a manuscript, if I ever get down to it. Gonna be a long day ... Thanks for the laugh.
