Friday, November 18, 2022

Kawasaki H1 and H2 Triple porting layout


From the official Kawasaki service manual of 1972. Were the engines really that similar?


  1. Can't speak to your question, but the shop manual for my '69 H1 purported to cover the (rotary-valve) A1 and A7 twins as well.

    The manual was illustrated here and there with real crude cartoon imitations of Mickey Mouse. Mickey stood in for the owner-operator-mechanic when a humanoid/mouseoid figure was thought useful in conveying how a procedure was done.

    And the writers' English was terrible! The best/worst illustration from that manual, showing wobbly, misshapen Mickey taking deformed Minnie for a ride, was titled "Mickey si Hpapy."

  2. Porting diagrams... gazes at die grinder whilst the spare RD cylinders edge toward the shop door...


  3. And I'm measuring a Bultaco Metralla cylinder, T500 cylinders:-)

  4. Rd guy…: don’t look backwards, look at the latest of the 125 motocrossers and whatever the Banshee guys are doing!
