Tuesday, December 20, 2022

One of my vices is vises, Another old anvil vise

 This unnamed possible 19th Century unit was found on Fbk Marketplace in Nova Scotia, much too far from me...


  1. Where in N.S.? My brother is in Cape Breton.

  2. The ad says Hubbards? South of Halifax... Too far to drive:-)

  3. It's a No. 3 combination anvil/vise from James Smart Mfg., Brockville, ON. "Smart's" is barely visible on the base at the front; it will say "Brockville" in the same spot on the other side. I haven't found this model in any catalog or advertisement yet.

  4. Thanks for the information. This one got away, but I will find others. It's actually amazing how many things Smart Manufacturing made.
