Monday, January 9, 2023

RD350LC Barnfind

They still turn up occasionally... 

By the smell, this one was actually rescued from a chicken coop, Chicken shit is corrosive and it shows. Not mine, unfortunately.



  1. the red GRAB ON grips should be saved, just because.
    disassemble the bike and go to town with wire wheel, sand papers, steel wool, body filler, paint, polish, curse, spend more money, get tired, wonder why, keep going, end up with a beautiful bike even if it never starts again. install NOS white raised letter period tires. then park it on a black carpet rug inside.

  2. bicycle version of those grips $520 from Japan on the dirty ol eBay. or $45 a month payments available, I don't understand why someone would finance a set of vintage grips, must be money laundering.

  3. That's crazy! They came and went pretty quick, crumbled early and they soaked up water pretty good! Still, we all had 'em!
