Saturday, June 10, 2023

Saab Sonett

There is one of these in the neighbourhood, but I can't seem to get close enough for a photo. 


  1. Fiberglass beautiful car. a guy could electric convert this car for a stylish slow short distance around the town and neighborhoods cruise night at the drive-in type show car. paint it deep rich red/brown metal flake.
    play this on the most expensive car stereo sold at Kmart while eating your foot long chili dog at the drive-in

  2. A buddy had a Sonett front end clip clogging up his shop for years, a leftover from a stillborn commission to build a custom choppa tricycle. Such things* drew bike-show crowds in the mid-'70s, evidently.

    * Not Saab-based fantasiae specifically, but preposterous, virtually (or literally) unrideable trikes.

  3. Thanks MARSHALL, link is perfect.
    Sonett as a trike? that's going to keep me up at night.
