Sunday, November 19, 2023

Sidecar Sunday

 George O'Dell and Cliff Holland in the rain clinching the 1977 Sidecar Title. O'Dell was the first man to lap the IoM at over 100mph in a sidecar outfit.

Painting of the team at the same event.

Below, also O'Dell and Holland...


  1. Some interesting stuff (well, I found it so) about O'Dell here:

    The rig in your photos, Mr G, was probably OW31 powered; but O'Dell had recently done good with a Kenig engine (flat four two-stroke designed to power a speedboat). Them are kool engines!

  2. Thanks for that, sad story. The outfit was a Seymaz, though the link says different, and the engine an OW31.

  3. Have to ask — is sidecar motorcycle racing still a thing?
