Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I'd like to take a moment to thank all my viewers, especially the regular commenters who keep me on my toes and provide me with much entertainment. (I'm still working through a backlog).
 I'm not much for the numbers but I've been looking at the stats, I started this (very tentatively) in February of 2011 as a way to save the info from The Duke's emails to me, as well as to add as many  pictures as I could from moldy old books to the internet as well as pictures of any mechanical things I found interesting. More than a decade later, the Duke is gone and I find that now so many of those pictures are already on the net... Popular Mechanics and many others have published their whole archives but maybe I can possibly present them with a bit of a different perspective... anyways I'm still having fun, the house is filling with piles of old books- they never seem to leave! and I may as well keep going.
 A few other stats... over 5,000,000 views- (without posting pictures of naked women!), 11,914 posts, 9,800 comments (255 spam- remember Anna, making $80 a day?) and.. $0 earned. And there still are untold numbers of things to look at. Life is good.



  1. Happy New Year!
    thank you very much for putting the time and effort into this. It's entertainment that I thoroughly enjoy. I'm especially thankful for there being no ads. I have no memory of how I found your website, and I can't remember when I first saw it, though it was probably in about 2015-16.
    I'm sure there's a story on who "The Duke" is, but I can't recall any mention of him in the time I've been observing.

    May 2024 give you all its best. Steve

  2. Thanks for your reply, glad that you found the blog. Here's the Duke.

  3. I'm very glad you have no plans to hang it up. The withdrawal could finish me off.

    Thanks Mr G, as ever, for this fine fine blog.

  4. I read it every morning. Thank you for adding a bit of interest to my day, especially Sunday!

  5. Same here. Morning routine, cup o' Joe & Mr G's.
    Very appreciative of both before it all goes sideways... ;-)

  6. As an occaisional sender of unsolicited comments I am forever indedted to those who, like you, take the time to collate and edit and re-polish your entries to make up a site as informative and entertaining to the 'putzes' out here like me.
    Speaking for all the putzes I send a hearty THANK YOU for your efforts!

  7. Slightly belated HNY, still reading and appreciating your posts.

  8. Always something fascinating on here. Glad you're planning to continue.
    All the best in 2024!

  9. I came to your blog because you mentioned my current employer, Allway Tools. I stayed for all the awesome pictures and information. I'm glad that you're continuing and hope you continue for many more years.

    This blog is an Internet treasure. If you ever need to know anything else about Allway, I'd be happy to help.
