Monday, January 8, 2024

Monday Mystery, Shears

Here is a nice pair of scissors or shears, stamped Champion Sheffield England and marked with the Broad Arrow 1942, they must be some sort of military medical scissors but lacking fingerholes, perhaps they were intended for cutting bandages or? Thoughts and guesses welcomed.



  1. I have some of these, I think mine are made by Wiss. They're just an old traditional pattern of tin snips. Broad arrow mark is interesting, I don't know of any exclusively military use for these unless they were used by blasters or sappers or something

  2. I have the Wiss also (although I swear the curvy logo says "WEISS") and I use them for cutting light sheet metal, particularly brass sheet. Just used them the other day to cut new brass detent springs for a levelling rod I refurbished. They do a good job cutting thin sheet without distorting it and I think they're used by and sold as jewelers snips.

  3. Thanks, I do now see similar snips listed as jewelry snips, but why the military Broad Arrow, I wonder.

  4. Because it was designed to cut the brass for military brass bands, of course.

  5. Probably used for cutting military red tape.
