Monday, March 11, 2024

Monday Mystery; Nubo pliers

The name appears on wrenches quite often on eBay, these are the first pliers we've seen. A bit of googling brings the suggestion that Nubo was a British supplier of automotive-type tools for various branches of the military in the 30s and 40s with tools purchased from various manufacturers in England and the US.
 A confusing part is the 'A crown M" stamped near the pivot but from the (a silverware site) comes a spoon with a very similar stamp. So we're guessing an American made set of pliers destined for the RAF. Thoughts?


  1. Yep, I’ve seen that on several axe heads - Air Ministrt

  2. Thnak you, my mind didn't make the leap form air Force to air Ministry.

  3. Internet archive has a neat Nubo pocket catalog from the 60's:

    They also sold Hazet tools and there are a few sets labeled "Nubo-Hazet" but that may have been just a sticker and the tools all branded Hazet. The catalog is an interesting mix of tools, hardware, and a couple of office supply items. I'm sure they've all deteriorated to dust and a handle by now but the bumping tool on page 11 looks interesting.
