Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The William Underwood

  I found this lovely boat in Rockport harbour in Maine. Named the William Underwood, its a 71 ft. Eldridge-McInnis converted sardine carrier, built in 1941. A little googling showed that it's been totally rebuilt and converted to a yacht. The hold, formerly filled with sardines is now luxury accommodation. And, it's for sale, scroll down for the history.

"Sardine Carriers are the queens of the Maine fishing fleet. These are good sized boats, sixty feet and up in length, and are used to move sardines, or small herring, from the point of capture to the factory where the fish are processed and placed head-to-tail into cans…Many, although by no means all, were double-enders, dictated by the need for easily-driven shapes when both light and loaded. For the same reason, the boats were long and lean, and consequently often very beautiful.” ~ Joel White, 'Wood, Water and Light'

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