Friday, July 19, 2024

Whipple File factory

  Ballardvale, located north of Boston Mass. was a mill town, known for cotton and woolen mills. Another operation was the Machine Shop, established in 1847 by John Marland. Here machines of various types were made, including steam engines. In 1860 this mill was sold to the Whipple File Manufacturing Company. By 1866 Whipple File had a capital of $1 million, a building site of 4 acres, and employed 600. By 1869 it failed, apparently due to mismanagement. Has anyone ever seen a file with the Whipple name on it?


Ray said...

I haven't seen a Whipple file, but there was a Whipple who had a thing about squeezing toilet paper.

rats said...

And the inventor of the Whipple snapple.