Monday, August 5, 2019

Mystery Monday, K D Tool

 Here are some images of a tool a reader sent in. Made by K D Tools, it would appear to be for automotive use, possibly for drum brake springs? I can not find any pictures online. Any guesses?
Solved! A reader has identified it as a K-D No.111 ignition point alignment tool.


  1. Its a K-D No.111 ignition point alignment tool. You're welcome:)

  2. That didn't take long. How it's used is not immediately apparent!

  3. Lets just say it bent things around so that the point contacts mated correctly. You could adjust the contacts and spring while the points were in the distributor. Nobody but nobody would do that now:)

  4. That's for sure-if they even knew what points were.

  5. Tool brings back good and some bad memories.
