Friday, April 3, 2020

Church Key and bottle opener

An 1989 ode to the soon to be obsolete can opener and bottle opener from the book Elegant Solutions by Owen Edwards. 
Arty photos and florid prose...
A reader sent me the image below, a very-nicely done device for removing a screw type cap so it goes to show, we can come up with a tool for anything, even if it's not really needed. Me, I just clamp the cap lightly in a vice...


  1. Hear him! Hear him! By the way - that device for removing a screw top seems like taking a bazooka to a flea. But it's pretty cool. Great display item - and actually I can see using it. I"m kind of thinking it was hand made and wouldn't be hard to duplicate. Wonder if there's a market? lol. Since I'm at home. All the time. Forever it seems like.

  2. Thanks for sharing nice information about screw cap can opener with us. i glad to read this post.
