Friday, January 29, 2021


 Great idea or a travesty?

 Many years ago, I happened upon this special at Daytona, yes that's a Harley Davidson XR motor crammed into a 1986 aluminum GSXR chassis. I waited around for the owner and tried to take better pictures from different angles... but in the end this image is all I have. 


  1. A pretty face, for sure. But I know more guys who gave up on trying to make their ironhead-based roadracers handle than ones who have quixotically persisted. The engine's tall, long-stroke gyro effect makes the bikes try mightily to stand up, proud Americans, in mid-corner. Add in that engine's approx. 2,200lb weight, it's a handful.

  2. I thought it was an interesting packaging project. I never would have thought the big XR motor would have fit into the space left by a compact inline 4. If I built it I would have left the fairing bottoms off, showcase that big motor!
