Monday, August 2, 2021

Nose job

My guess is they're from Cessnas of some sort, I realize they're not identical. Someone will know... 



  1. The yellow one is an Aeronca Chief. The blue and the white ones are Aeronca Champ.

  2. Thanks! I don't know if I would have found that info by myself. Now, why did three nice little airplanes lose their noses?

  3. You'd think the noses would hit the ground first.

  4. Airplanes die in may ways, not just catastrophic accidents and those don't always involve a hard encounter with dirt clouds. Hangars collapse from age and snow load. Thirty thousands wall tubing from the 1930s and 40s can rust out. Sometimes its not worth the cost to rebuild so they get parted out. Sometimes a part is removed as it is considered un-airworthy and replaced with a new one?
