Sunday, August 11, 2024

Slater's hammer

This is a multipurpose hammer used for installing and repairing slate shingles. The pick is used for making a series of holes to make a cut or to make a nail hole, there is a nail puller on the side. These tools were made by a variety of manufacturers, this one being Belden Machine of New Haven Ct. 

Belden Machine was started by Major Russell Albert Belden after the Civil War. The company started in New Haven, but was soon sold as Major Belden moved on, starting a similar company in Danbury and manufactured machinist tools, various specialized machinery and drop forged parts. At the 1876 Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia they showed a drop hammer and a dead-stroke power hammer. At some point the company moved back to New Haven. The general manager, Albert Buxton Reed continued the business after the owner passed away in 1899, maintaining the product line and adding a line of roofers tools. It appears the company ceased in the 1920s. 


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