Saturday, June 20, 2020

"Expert" pinchers by Facom

I found ( but did not buy) these elegant 8 inch long made-in-France end-cutters at Cardon's Tool store near Perth, Ontario. 


  1. FACOM introduced a lifetime guarantee for their tools in 1952.
    This reportedly results in one to two tons of material arriving at the after sales service daily, with only 1% of requests turned down for improper use.
    They also provide free refurbishing kits for their ratchet tools.
    I can take it or leave it, I only have a VERY hard time passing up any
    Snap-On tools, the older the better :-)

  2. Sears was like that with their Craftsman tools. Even more liberal with replacement than Snap-on... I took back welding-torch-marked screwdrivers that had been broken off from prying, the salesman would just give me a hard, thin-lipped look and hand over a new one. I bought hundreds (thousands?) of dollars of tools in the eighties when I worked there. Most I still have but I like the 3/8" ratchets.
