Thursday, July 9, 2020

Antique spoked wheel

By the casting numbers on the hub, this was a production wheel.  Ten 1/2" diameter spokes riveted to a simple steel band with a lap joint. The spokes are about 1/2 inch diameter, secured with good square nuts. We suspect they came from some farm implement, and will do duty on a cart for a 8 hp Gilson stationary motor.  After about a hundred years they're still round enough...


  1. Ahh I don't think you can put air in those Mister...

  2. Think of them as a speed governor...

  3. is that a grease cup on each hub? those are hard to find, at least here.

  4. Yes. apparently found a few old ones somewhere, but have you looked here?

  5. WoW! Thanks!
    Had to get them from Adams, UK
    we still have a few 1/4" on some of our 1968 machines, and a few glass ones.
    Had to buy also a very special size (1/8", 5ml oiler) but those ones I got from the equipment's manufacturer (TAYLOR-Winfield, USA)
