Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Vintage BBQ chicken recipe

 Here's something different for the blog... you're kidding... cooking?!! 

 A few years ago, I was looking for a recipe for green chile and I was thoroughly disgusted with one that started with, "Buy a can of enchilada sauce..." Really? start with an unidentified, undefined mass of commercially canned glop? Move along... 

But, the attached recipe must have originated in the fifties, and there is no doubt that it's from another era, a time of TV dinners and canned everything, featuring exotic ingredients like ketchup, prepared mustard, Worcestershire sauce... and it wasn't anywhere near a BBQ but crap... can't deny, it actually tastes pretty good and it's easy to make... substitute any collection of chicken parts...


  1. No crushed cornflake topping?!

  2. Well, if you haven't had your fill (see what I did there?), there's always Lileks:


  3. "Golden Age of Butter" I love it! Though margarine would have been more appropriate, I think. When it came with a little container of yellow "colour"
